
  • Proteus Energy Programs
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 11:50

    Alternate name: Vocational Class CenterDescriptionProteus is proud to offer the FREE Energy Savings Assistance Programs (ESAP) through Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E).

    1. Proteus Training & Employment
    Proteus Energy Programs

    You can get help in the following ways:. You can get help in the following ways: Receive a one-time energy credit for up to $300 through the Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH) Program (energy credit support is subject to funding availability).

    This program helps you pay for energy when a sudden hardship occurs. PG&E sponsors REACH and Dollar Energy Funds runs the program from 170 offices in Northern and Central California. Visit.PLEASE NOTE: REACH is available only once within a 12-month period and customer must qualify for the program.

    Get heating, cooling and weatherproofing help with Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) oversees this federal program, run by 48 action agencies throughout the state. LIHEAP offers two types of aid:. Help for heating or cooling homes. Help for weatherproofing homes.Certain customers are higher priority:.

    Proteus california

    Families who spend a large part of their income on energy. Families with elderly or disabled members. Families with children under age three.For LIHEAP income rules and a list of agencies, call or visit.

    Following are ways to cut expenses and conserve energy:. Even out the highs and lows of your monthly bills with Budget Billing. With the plan, your bills are about the same throughout the year, even in hot or cold weather. Save 20 percent or more on your monthly gas and electric bill by enrolling in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program. Get a monthly discount on your electric bill if your household has three or more people.

    Enroll in the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program. Receive help if you’re a customer with special energy needs related to a medical condition. PLEASE NOTE: This program is not based on income. Apply for a Medical Baseline Allowance. Improve the energy efficiency of your home with no-cost upgrades such as lighting, weatherization, water-saving measures and more by enrolling in the Energy Savings Assistance Program. Visit.Get heating, cooling and weatherproofing help with Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

    The California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) oversees this federal program, run by 48 action agencies throughout the state. LIHEAP offers two types of aid:.

    Help for heating or cooling homes. Help for weatherproofing homes.Certain customers are higher priority:. Families who spend a large part of their income on energy. Families with elderly or disabled members.

    Families with children under age three.Dial for LIHEAP income rules and a list of agencies, or visit. Need more time to pay?

    Proteus Energy Programs

    Keep your service on by making Payment Arrangements. You can schedule payment of your current balance over several months to help manage temporary financial strains. Sign in to Your Account and scroll down to Payment Options.

    Proteus Training & Employment

    Select Payment Arrangement and choose the option that works best for you:. Installments allow you to spread your current balance over several months for up to 12 installments. Extension lets you pay the entire amount at a later date. Simply input the date on which you want to pay the full amount.

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